Saturday, February 28, 2009

Gospel of John Chapter 2

Chapter 2 of John has been posted to Christian Bible Links

There was a marriage (the union binding a man and a woman together as husband and wife; a wedding, all aspects of it being referred to as a single event) in Cana, a village in Galilee. Mary the mother of Jesus was there throughout the entire event. Also, both Jesus was invited, and his learning-disciples (his students) into the wedding festivities.

During this event, the water was caused to become wine while the ministers were carrying the liquid to the chief-waiter. These ministers believed what Jesus said to them and they did exactly what he instructed them to do.

This was the first sign that Jesus did.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Angels - New Article

An article called Angels has been posted at An angel is a spirit-being whose office and character is one of a messenger in official service via words and/or actions. This article provides information on the activities and capabilities of various angels.