Friday, September 26, 2014

John 18

Verses 25-27:

.25But Simon Peter was having stood2 and warming-himself; therefore they said to him, "You also are not out-from his learning-disciples, are you?" That-person denied and said, "I am not."

.26One from the slaves of the chief-priest, being a family-kinsman of whose ear Peter cut-away, says, "I saw you in the garden with him, didn't I?" .27Therefore again Peter denied - and immediately a cock sounded.

John the writer of this book continues with events that were occurring in relation to Peter (refer to verse 18 above).

During that past time Simon Peter was already standing and warming himself by the coal-fire. Following-on logically, the other people standing and warming themselves said to him...

·         "Emphatically you (you yourself) also are not from among his students, are you?"

As verse 17 above, the Greek construction of this question indicates that the expected answer is: "No."

John the writer of this book continues by writing: that-person denied (disowned, negated, rejected Jesus; referring specifically to Peter but not writing his name here) and said...

·         "I am not."

One from among the slaves (bond-servants) of the chief/high priest (as verse 10 above), being a family-kinsman of the man (a relative of Malchus) whose ear Peter cut away, says...

·         "Emphatically I saw (I myself perceived) you in the garden with him, didn't I?"

The Greek construction of this question indicates that this slave expected to receive an affirmative answer: "Yes."

Therefore again Peter denied (disowned, negated, rejected Jesus).

These were Peter's second and third denials of Jesus that John the writer of this book records, which happened while Jesus was before Caiaphas. In sequential order these were the fifth and sixth denials of Jesus by Peter.

And immediately (straightaway, directly) a cock made its sound (with its voice, it crew; refer to John 13:38). This was the second of two cock-soundings.

The six denials of Jesus by Peter occurred during the nighttime of Tuesday 13th Nisan (before sunrise) and they are recorded as follows:

  1. John 18:17 (Jesus before Annas; Peter at the door of the uncovered-area)
  2. Matthew 26:70; Mark 14:68; Luke 22:57 (Jesus before Caiaphas; Peter in the uncovered-area)
  3. Luke 22:58 (Jesus before Caiaphas; Peter in the uncovered-area)

1)   First cock sounding: Mark 14:68 (Peter at the gate area)

  1. Matthew 26:72; Mark 14:70 (Jesus before Caiaphas; Peter at the gate area)
  2. Matthew 26:74; Mark 14:71; John 18:25 (Jesus before Caiaphas; Peter at the coal-fire)
  3. Luke 22:60; John 18:27 (Jesus before Caiaphas; Peter at the coal-fire)

2)   Second cock sounding: Matthew 26:74; Mark 14:72; Luke 22:60; John 18:27 (Peter at the coal-fire).

[Reference: Matthew 26:57-75; Mark 14:53-72; Luke 22:54-62; John 13:38.]

Sunday, September 14, 2014

John chapter 3

In the following verses (31-36), John the writer explains to the readers of this writing the fullness of how Jesus increased as prophesied by John the baptizer in verse 30 above.

Verses 31-36:

.31The (one) coming from-the-top is over all-people: the (one) being out-from the earth is out-from the earth and utters-forth out-from the earth; the (one) coming out-from heaven is over all-people.

.32That-which he saw2 and heard he witnesses this, and not-one-person receives his witness; .33the (one) having received sealed his witness that God is (the) True-One, .34for whom God apostled utters-forth the spoken-matters of God for He gives the spirit not out-from a measure; .35the Father loves1 the son and He gave2 all-things in his hand.

.36The (person) believing into the son has eternal life, but the (person) being un-persuaded by the son will not see life but the wrath of God remains on him.

The one who is presently in the process of coming from-the-top (from the place that is above, upwards, figuratively referring to heaven which is God's location, plus including the truth of the start or commencement of the process of his coming, which was first promised by God recorded in Genesis 3:15)...

·         is over all-people (he is presently and actively up-above, on top of everyone right now, today);

·         the explanation for this statement is:

    • the one who is being (any person or spirit who is existing)
    • originating from the earth (as opposed to heaven where God's location is)

§  is definitely originating from the earth (limited with/by the realm and sphere of action of mankind, human-beings)

§  and speaks things which originate from the earth (refer to verses 5-8 and 12 above);

    • the one who is coming (the Lord Jesus Christ)
    • originating from heaven (from God Himself – emphasizing the truth that God is the source; refer to verses 5-8, 12-14 and 27 above)

§  is over all-people (as the beginning of this verse [some Greek texts omit this phrase]).

That-which God's son...

·         saw and continues to see (what he perceived with his eyes and understood in his mind's thoughts, which has not changed)

·         and heard (listened to)

...he witnesses this (nothing else; it is God's son who continues attesting with information of what he saw and heard, he gives the declaration of knowledge that he personally has and therefore he states and confirms what he saw and heard on the strength of his own authority)...

·         and not-one-person receives his witness (nobody presently and actively takes the witness belonging-to the Lord Jesus Christ so as to use it – without being given it first; refer to verses 11 and 27 above).

The one who has already received (it was the Lord Jesus Christ who took what was given to him from/by God so as to use it – how did he use this witness?)...

·         sealed (he securely fastened, put on the mark of authentication and approval, ratification, he made fast, as sealing a letter so it is not opened and read by anyone except by the one to whom the letter is addressed)

    • - he sealed what? -
    • his witness

§  with the cause being that (as stamping his witness with the following words)

§  God is the True-One (the One Who is true, being and having the essential reality, inherent verity; God is true in all of His words and actions),

·         in truth, whom (referring to God's son who is the Lord Jesus Christ)

    • God apostled (God sent forth/away His son on a specific mission or assignment after God raised him up alive and placed him at His right-hand side; the word translated “God” emphasizes the truth that God is the First, Superior or Ultimate One, the One Who has power, executes judgment, and emanates what He is, His power and light)

·         utters-forth the spoken-matters of God (the portions of the whole of God’s Word, each containing a specific discourse necessary for that particular situation or circumstance – what he is speaking originates from God)

    • for God presently gives the spirit to His son (God has already raised Jesus from being dead by causing him to be alive in his new spiritual body, the life of which is holy spirit-life – and God continues giving spiritual information to him today, the heavenly-things referenced in verse 12 above)

§  not out-from a measure (in the Greek texts these words are at the beginning of the phrase to emphasize that it is NOT originating from a measure, a standard by which it would be measured; God does not limit His spiritual communications to His son as though only giving him a deposit or a token of holy spirit; God gives His son the spirit without applying a measure or limit to it, and so God's son is able to utter-forth the spoken-matters of/from God);

...the Father (emphasizing the truth that God is the Lord Jesus Christ's Father, there is a Father/son relationship between them)…

·         loves the son with His kind of love (Godly-love)

·         and He gave and continues given (the truth of which remains unchanged)

    • all-things in his hand (this usage of the word "hand" figuratively refers to everything within the cause and sphere of action of the son; all things are within the directive, power, rule, and authority of God's son who is the Lord Jesus Christ).

The person (man, human-being) who is…

·         presently believing into the son (having faith, trusting regarding the son whereby he is the object of belief – the person who is believing directed to him)

·         has eternal life (presently has life that is eternal, which lasts throughout all durations of life, all ages; he/she has received the gift of holy spirit and so he/she is a three-part being: holy spirit-life, a physical body, and soul/breath-life; refer to verses 5-8 and 14-17 above),

...but the person who is…

·         actively unwilling to be persuaded (not convinced) by/with the son (the Lord Jesus Christ)

·         will not see life (in the sense that eternal life will not be presented to that person to be perceived with his eyes and known by him)

·         but contrary to life -

    • the wrath of God (God’s wrath is God's lasting-angry-vengeance, like the heat of a burning fire; this is not a spur-of-the-moment thing on God's part because He has foretold regarding the consequences of unbelief and rejection of His Word all through the ages; the wrath of God is righteous and issues right/just judgment)

§  remains (stays, continues)

§  down on him (upon that person, in the sense that he will receive the effects of God's wrath permanently).

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Philippians 4

Philippians 4:1:

4:1So-that, my loved1 and earnestly-longed-for brothers, my joy and crown, thus you must stand-firm in (the) Lord, loved-people1.

Paul continues to teach regarding all that holy-people have received now and will receive from God by means of the Lord Jesus Christ at a future time, plus how we are to walk (behave, conduct ourselves).

The consequence and result is that…

·         my loved1 (this word comes from the Greek word agape which is God's kind of love – beloved, truly you are loved by God and by myself with Godly-love)

·         and earnestly-longed-for (I have a real longing, desire on-top of what I already had for you)

o   brothers (again Paul addresses these Philippian holy-people as “brothers” and thereby he reminds them that all of them, including Paul, were children of God having received the same gift of holy spirit),

·         my joy (you are evidence of the joy that I have, a cause of rejoicing to/for me – because of receiving something good ultimately from God)

·         and crown (you are the crown that I have already received, a victory wreath or garland that is given as a prize to the victor/winner of a race and placed on my head – because you have become holy-people as I am in the spirit category; again Paul uses athletic terminology drawing attention to the truth of all holy-people being together moving in the direction of the same objective, being on the same team in the same contest),

…in this manner you must stand-firm (it is imperative that you stand fast as opposed to falling in the walk/behavior category)…

·         within the cause and sphere of action of the Lord (emphasis is being placed on the truth that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Master),

o   loved-people1 (again Paul writes that these holy-people are beloved – truly you are loved by God and by myself with Godly-love).

[Reference: Philippians 1:8 and 27, 2:12; I Thessalonians 2:19 and 20. Also refer to the article Love in I Corinthians 13 (]

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Genesis chapter 11

Verses 2-4:

.2And it came-to-pass in them moving from (the) risings they found a field in (the) earth of Sennaar and they dwelled-down there.

.3And a man said to the neighbor, “Come-this-way; let us make bricks and let us roast them with fire”; and the brick became into stone for them and the clay used-to-be a covering for them.

.4And they said, “Come-this-way; let us build for ourselves a city and a tower of which the head will be until the heaven and let us make for ourselves a name before being scattered-throughout on (the) face of all the earth.”

It came-to-pass (became, happened, occurred) that during the time that they were moving from the risings (setting themselves in motion away from where they were located in the eastern lands)…

·         they found a field (they located an open countryside or a specific portion of land as the plain, level, flat land used for tillage or pasture [the Hebrew text has “plain/valley” instead of “field”])

o   in the earth of Sennaar (the land of Senaar, Shinar, also known as Babylonia)

·         and they dwelled-down there (they inhabited, permanently dwelled, settled-down in that location).

A man (a member of mankind [the Hebrew word ish is used instead of adam – an individual male human-being]) said to the neighbor (someone who was near him)…

·         “Come this way (come here);

·         let us make bricks (this is a polite command or a very strong suggestion advising the one listening to the speaker to think the correct way from his viewpoint regarding this topic – we should form or bake material into bricks with the heat from the sun; bricks refer to blocks made of mud or other material for constructing buildings [both the Greek and Hebrew texts have the verb and the noun with the same root-word for emphasis as: brick bricks]; the verb expresses the man’s intention, will, volition in this situation)

·         and let us roast (broil or burn) the bricks with/by fire”;

…and the brick became into stone for them (the fire caused the brick to come to pass to be hard stone) and the clay (which a potter would use to make vessels by adding liquid to the clay and then drying the result) was continuing to be a covering for them (a resin mixture that waterproofed [the Hebrew text refers to a substance as mortar or a sealant like bitumen or asphalt to secure the bricks together]).

And the people said…

·         “Come this way (come here);

·         let us build for ourselves a city (again this is a polite command or a very strong suggestion advising those listening to think the correct way from their viewpoint regarding this topic – we should erect a walled or fortified town to/for ourselves)

o   and a tower (a raised structure)

o   of which the head will be until the heaven (the chief or principle part of the tower, the top of it will reach or continue up to the sky by having an imprint on the top of the tower of the heavenly stars, as a manmade zodiac [in the Hebrew text the word “heavens” is always in the plural form and figuratively it emphasizes the expansive greatness of God's spirit realm, God's location today from mankind’s view])

·         and let us make for ourselves (produce, cause to produce, bring about to/for ourselves)

o   a name (a word or phrase given to a person, etc, to be called and known-by, in order to designate and describe the distinguishing and distinctive constitution, character, quality, workings, etc – in this context the people wanted to give themselves an honorable name that connotes power and strength for mankind having this city as the central or primary location)

·         before (ahead of, in front of, in advance of, prior to [the Hebrew text has the word pen which means “lest-perhaps” and it makes this phrase negative in the sense of issuing a precaution])

o   being scattered-throughout (thoroughly scattered, caused to disperse as a sower would scatter seed)

o   on the face of all (the surface of every part of) the earth.”

These people wanted to make their own way of salvation so as to access God’s realm, and an identity to use no matter where they would be located on the earth, plus they wanted their own central location to return to on a regular basis to perform their own type of worship and sacrifice. However, no mention of the Lord God is made by these people in connection with their decisions.