Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mark 3:1-5

Mark 3:1-5:

3:1And he went again into the synagogue and a man used-to-be there having the hand having been dried2. .2And they used-to keep-closely-to him if on the sabbaths he will attend-to him in order that they may accuse him. .3And he says to the man, the (man) having the dried hand, "You must rise-up into the midst." .4And he says to them, "Is it permitted on the sabbaths to do a good-thing or to do-bad, to save a soul or to kill?" But the (people) used-to be-silent.

.5And having observed-around them with wrath, being caused sorrow-together on the process-of-hardening of their heart, he says to the man, "You must stretch-out the hand." And he stretched-out and his hand was restored.

Jesus went again (a second, another, further time, once again) into the synagogue and during that past time there was a man at that location with the hand that had been dried and continued dried (withered).

However, some people were continuing to keep closely to Jesus (keeping close watch of him, keeping an eye on him as with sinister or superstitious intent, watching for the opportunity) if during the sabbaths he will attend to him (treat the man therapeutically, take care of him as necessary) for the purpose and result that they would accuse him (publicly speak against Jesus). The record in Luke 6:7 tells us that these people were the scribes and the Pharisees.

And Jesus says to the man, emphatically and specifically the man with the withered hand…

·         "You must rise-up into the midst (it is imperative that you arise into the middle, the center of the group of people)."

Jesus says to them...

·         "Is it permitted (available or possible to be done) during the sabbaths

    • to do a good-thing (perform that-which is good from God's viewpoint; God is the One Who issues His goodness and He sets the standard of/for what is good to be conformed to by others)
    • or to do-bad (perform that-which is bad from God's viewpoint, do what does not issue from God),
    • to save a soul (make a living human-being safe; the word translated "soul" literally refers to the life of the physical body which is evidenced by breathing, soul/breath life, soul is what allows a person to move and work, etc, living in the physical category)
    • or to kill (to end the life of a human-being)?"

But the scribes and the Pharisees were silent (keeping quiet, continued not to speak). Jesus was in the process of doing a good-thing and saving a soul, but those men were in the process of doing bad and killing a soul (refer to verse 6 below).

After Jesus observed-around them (looked and mentally envisioned concerning or about them, even though Jesus may not physically see something with his physical eyes but he could receive the information via the holy spirit within him – after he was mentally-aware of and contemplated them)...

·         in company and association with wrath (referring to God’s wrath, which is God's lasting angry vengeance, like the heat of a burning fire; this is not a spur-of-the-moment thing on God's part because He has foretold regarding the consequences of unbelief and rejection of His Word including the promised seed, the savior Jesus himself, all through the ages since Genesis 3:15; the wrath of God is righteous and issues right/just judgment, and in that situation Jesus was carrying-out all that God tells him to do, including God's wrath),

    • being caused sorrow-together (caused to grieve in conjunction with the whole situation)
    • resting or based upon the process-of-hardening (the word translated "process-of-hardening" literally refers to the process by which the ends of fractured bones are reunited which is by a callus; a callus is a mass or lump of spread-out and connective tissue that forms around the break in a bone, and it is converted into bone in the healing of that break – but in this context it is used in the bad sense of the process of hardening)
    • of their heart (the center/core of their being, their personal lives, which would include their attributes, characteristics, qualities, being hard against God and the things of God; the singular word "heart" emphasizes that all of them have the same kind of heart – callous),

...Jesus says to the man…

·         "You must stretch-out (extend, stretch forth)

o   the hand."

The man stretched his hand out and it was restored (it received complete-restitution, it was put-back into its former state, reestablished, back to the way that his other hand was – sound, healthy).

This man believed what Jesus said to him and did exactly as he was instructed by Jesus. He did not rely on his physical condition. The 5-senses or fleshy viewpoint indicated that what Jesus said was totally illogical because his hand was dried, so how could he stretch it out! But when the man relied-on and did what Jesus said to him, his dried hand was restored.

[Reference: Matthew 12:9-13; Luke 6:6-10.]


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