Friday, February 28, 2014

I Corinthians 13

·         The love1 is patient (it continues to be long-suffering, long-tempered, having long-forbearance),

·         it is benevolent (it continues to show itself kind, supplying what is appropriately needed for use in specific situations);


o   the love1 is not jealous (it is not being zealous in the bad sense, it does not have a boiling or vehement passion that is contrary to God’s Word),

o   it does not vaunt itself (it is not bragging, it does not push itself forward showing-off itself as a braggart in a vainglorious display),

o   it does not puff itself up (it is not inflating itself with its own importance or anything else),

o   it is not indecorous (it is not being unseemly, it does not behave indecorously, in a not-elegant, not-well-figured, not-seemly way),

o   it does not seek-after the-thing of itself (it is not looking for its own thing, it is not self-centered),

o   it is not sharpened (it is not being whet, made sharp as by something rubbing on it, it is not stimulated or caused to be irritated, touchy, incited, no paroxysm, it cannot be sharpened by something else trying to improve or change it),

o   it does not calculate the bad-thing (it is not reckoning, computing, counting something bad, it is not reasoning logically within itself anything that does not issue from God, that is not God’s will),

o   it does not joy on the unrighteousness (it is not being joyful resting upon injustice, it does not rejoice over unjustness, something based-on what is not right/just but is wrong) –


·         it joys-together with the truth (it continues to be joyful, rejoicing in conjunction with the truth, which is what God says, the essential reality, God’s inherent verity, the state of being true),

·         it protectively-covers all-things (it continues to shelter, keeping or fending off anything which may hurt and thereby it is sustaining and supporting all of God's spiritual-things, as the roof of a house protectively-covers the inside of that house which is concealed by the roof),

·         it believes all-things (it continues to trust, having faith in all of God's spiritual-things, which is what Paul is in the middle of teaching here in chapter 13 – this phrase does not mean that it believes anything and everything because that would be against God's will!),

·         it hopes all-things (it continues to expect all of God's spiritual-things to come to pass, to come into being, to happen at a future time),

·         it patiently-endures all-things (it continues to hold-out, bearing-up, staying or remaining upright relative to God and the things of God under all of God’s spiritual-things).



  1. Godly-love is patient, it is benevolent.
  2. Godly-love is not jealous, it does not vaunt itself, it does not puff itself up, it is not indecorous, it does not seek-after the-thing of itself, it is not sharpened, it does not calculate the bad-thing, it does not joy on the unrighteousness.
  3. Godly-love joys-together with the truth, it protectively-covers all-things, it believes all-things, it hopes all-things, it patiently-endures all-things – relative to God and the things of God.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Matthew 10:1

10:1And having called-towards-himself his twelve learning-disciples he gave to them authority of unclean spirits so-as to throw them out and to attend-to every disease and every sickness.

When Jesus had called (invited) his twelve learning-disciples (students) towards himself he gave to them…

·         authority (authoritative-power, permitted-right) of, pertaining-to or over unclean spirits (spirits that are not free from mixture of that-which is against God, being mixed with something else, having impurity from God's viewpoint mixed with them, referring to the spirits following the devil, demons, devil-spirits) with the result and consequence to throw (cast) them out from people

·         and to attend-to (treat, be therapeutic, take care as necessary of) all/every disease (definite sickness causing mental and/or physical decline) and all/every sickness (physical softness or weakness which is debilitating).

As we read the four books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, we must understand that Jesus was in the process of accomplishing redemption and salvation. Therefore the 'Acts chapter 2' gift of holy spirit (which is the spirit of Christ) that God made available by means of the Lord Jesus Christ on the day of Pentecost, could NOT be given to anybody before that day because it was not available to be given.

However, God was able to give certain men/women holy spirit conditionally, which was upon the condition that he/she would believe and obey what God said. God gave holy spirit conditionally to Jesus as recorded in Matthew chapter 3, and then during Jesus' ministry at that time Jesus was able to delegate this authority to others so that they too could do what is recorded in verse 1 above. These twelve conditionally received holy spirit from God to enable them to carry-out what Jesus told them to do.

[Reference: Mark 6:7; Luke 9:1.]

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Mark 16:6 and 7

.6But the (one) says to them, "You must not be really-marveled; you seek-after Jesus of Nazareth, the (one) having been crucified2 - he was raised-up, he is not here, look!, the place where they put him; .7but you must go, you must say to his learning-disciples and to Peter that, 'He leads you forth into Galilee, there you will see him according as he said to you.'"

The angel (seen by the women as a young-man) says to them...
·         "It is imperative that you are not really-marveled;
·         you are seeking-after Jesus of/from Nazareth (looking for Jesus the Nazarene; Jesus was brought up in Nazareth even though he was born in Bethlehem), emphatically and specifically the one who was crucified and that truth has not changed -
·         he was raised-up (caused to rise up alive from being dead),
·         he is not here (he is not inside this location of the memorial-place),
·         look (behold, see, pay attention!, the place where they put him (the specific location where they placed his dead body);
·         but contrary to staying here, you must go (it is imperative that you actively lead yourselves under, in the sense of going without any argument, under cover, as animals go because they are under a yoke without going from side to side or intentionally stopping to do something else, go)
·         you must say to his learning-disciples (students) including Peter that,
'He leads you forth into Galilee (he precedes you, goes before, in front of you into Galilee; refer to Matthew 28:16 and John 20:26-29 about the event in Galilee),
    • there you will see him (there you will see Jesus, because he will present himself to be perceived with your eyes and known by you)
    • just as Jesus said to you (refer to Mark 14:28).'"
Christ Jesus is the only one who has been resurrected by God and given his new spiritual body, but everyone else who has died still remains dead in the grave until the time of their resurrection and judgment.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

II Timothy chapter 2

2:1Therefore you, my child, must be enabled in the grace, the (grace) in Christ Jesus, .2and the-things-which you heard from me by means of many witnesses these-things you must put-beside believing men, the-people-who will be sufficient also to teach different-people.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Mark 13:1 and 2

13:1And (during) his journeying-out from the temple one of his learning-disciples says to him, "Teacher, look!, what-quality-of stones and what-quality-of buildings." .2And Jesus said to him, "Do you observe these great buildings? A stone may never be left here on a stone which may never be disunited."

While Jesus is journeying (passing) out from the temple (on Sunday 11th Nisan, the first day of the week; refer to Mark 11:20 and 27) one of his learning-disciples (students) says to him...

·         "Teacher (instructor),

·         look (behold, see - in the sense of calling attention - pay attention)!,

·         what-quality-of stones (what sort, how, what kind or manner of stonework)

·         and what-quality-of buildings (all the temple’s edifices, the individual buildings such as courts, halls, etc, making-up the whole temple area)."

Jesus said to him, "Do you observe these great buildings (are you looking and mentally-envisioning, being mentally-aware and contemplating these large edifices)?

·         A stone may never be left here on a stone (the word translated “never” comes from two Greek words both meaning “no” or “not” – the double negative emphasizes the point – a single stone would not ever be left on top of another stone, in the sense that one stone would not at any time be let go, dismissed from concern as to its position on another stone here in this area)

·         which may never be disunited (caused to disintegrate, the parts loosened down one from another, dissolved or dismembered)."

Jesus confirms that the physical buildings of the temple in Jerusalem (including the interior-temple) had come into the state of not being God’s house any longer (refer to Mark 11:15-17). He prophesied regarding its complete destruction prior to what is recorded in Revelation chapter 21, even though a type/pattern of that destruction happened in 69/70 A.D. when the Roman Emperor Titus destroyed the specific temple being built during that time when Jesus was speaking.

[Reference: Matthew 24:1 and 2; Luke 21:5 and 6.]

Sunday, February 23, 2014

I John 4

.18There is not fear in the love1 but the complete love1 throws the fear outside because the fear has curtailment, but the (person) being fearful was not made-complete2 in the love1.
.19We love1 because He first loved1 us.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Genesis 3:6

Verse 6:

.6And the woman saw that the tree (is) beautiful for eating and that (it is) pleasing to the eyes to see and it is beautifully-timed to mentally-perceive; and having taken its fruit she ate and gave also to her adult-male with her and they ate.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Genesis chapter 5

Verses 3-5:

.3But Adam lived two-hundred and thirty years and he begat according to his appearance and according to his image and he named his name Seth; .4but the days of Adam after him begetting Seth became seven-hundred years and he begat sons and daughters; .5and all the days of Adam which he lived became nine-hundred and thirty years and he died.

Adam lived 230 years (from the day of his creation before the fall [the Hebrew text reads: 130 years])…

·         and he caused to beget

o   in accordance with his appearance (his aspect, what could be seen of him, as a reproduction of himself [the Hebrew text has “likeness” instead of “appearance”])

o   and in accordance with his image (the icon, resemblance, representation of Adam – by having the same constitution of a physical body with its soul-life only, because this occurrence was after the fall when Adam rejected holy spirit-life; Adam’s image did not include spirit-life)

·         and he named his name Seth (Adam via Eve put the name of “Seth” on this son, he called him “Seth”; refer to Genesis 4:25);

…but the days of Adam (the length of time that he remained alive) after he caused to beget Seth came to pass to be 700 years [the Hebrew text reads: 800 years] and during those years he caused to beget other sons (male offsprings) and daughters (female offsprings)…

·         and all the days (the total length of time) of Adam which he lived came to pass to be 930 years (from the day that God made him before the fall to the day that he died after the fall [both Greek and Hebrew texts agree with 930 years])

·         and he died (his life ended completely, as God told him in Genesis 3:19).

No mention is made of Cain, nor Abel (who was killed by Cain), nor the names of the other sons and daughters. The genealogy of mankind goes from Adam to Seth as his firstborn son.

[Reference: Genesis 3:19, 4:25; Romans 5:12.]

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mark 11

.12And on the morrow, (after) their having gone-out from Bethany he hungered. .13And having seen a fig-tree from a distance having leaves he went if consequently something he will find in it; and having come on it he found not-one-thing except leaves, for the time of figs used-to not be. .14And having answered he said to it, "No-longer into the age not-one-person may eat fruit from you"; and his learning-disciples used-to-hear.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Genesis 4:3-7

Verses 3-7:

.3But it came-to-pass after days Cain carried from the fruits of the earth a sacrifice to the Lord; .4and Abel carried, also he, from the firstborns of his sheep and from their fatty-parts; and God looked on Abel and on his free-gifts, .5but on Cain and on his sacrifices He did not have-attention and caused Cain sorrow very-much and he fell-together with the face.

.6And the Lord God said to Cain, “In order that what did you become encompassed-with-sorrow and in order that what did your face fall-together? .7If-ever (you may behave) uprightly, you may carry-towards (Me); but (if-ever) you may not diverge uprightly, you sinned, didn’t you? – (yes). You must be quiet; towards you (is) the turning-away of it and you will rule it.”

Monday, February 17, 2014

Genesis 5:1 and 2

5:1This (is) the book of genesis of men in the day God made Adam, according to God’s image He made him; .2male and female He made them and blessed them and named their name “man” in the day He made them.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Genesis 3 - Adam and Eve

Genesis chapter 3 begins by describing one of the wild-animals on the earth, which allowed itself to be controlled by the devil, and how it interacted with mankind.

Genesis 3:1-5:

3:1But the snake used-to-be most-thoughtful of all the wild-animals, the wild-animals on the earth which the Lord God made; and the snake said to the woman, “Why (is it) that God said you may never eat from every tree, the (tree) in the paradise?”

.2And the woman said to the snake, “From fruit of (the) tree of the paradise we will eat, .3but from fruit of the tree which is in (the) midst of the paradise God said you will not eat from it neither you may not touch it in order that you may not die.”

.4And the snake said to the woman, “Not by death you will die; .5for God had known that in which ever day you may eat from it your eyes will be throughly-opened and you will be as gods knowing beauty and evil.”

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Genesis 1:1

God created the heaven and the earth in the beginning as recorded in Genesis 1:1 – 2:3. It took God six days to accomplish creation and on the seventh day He rested from all His work.

God opens this account by summarizing what He did for mankind (human-beings).

Genesis 1:1:

1:1In (the) beginning God made the heaven and the earth,

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Romans 8:5-8

.5For the (people) being according to flesh think the-things of the flesh, but the (people) according to spirit the-things of the spirit, .6for the thinking of the flesh (is) death but the thinking of the spirit (is) life and peace, .7for-this-reason-that the thinking of the flesh (is) enmity into God, for it is not subject to the law of God for neither is it able, .8and the (people) being in flesh are not able to please God.

In truth, the people who are actively being according to flesh (existing with the physical fleshy body and its soul/breath life, but lacking holy spirit life)…

·         think the-things of the flesh (they have their mind’s thoughts on the things pertaining-to or proceeding-from the flesh, the physical realm),

…but the people who are being according to spirit (referring to all holy-people, true Christians, because we have holy spirit-life within us)…

·         think the-things of the spirit (we have thoughts in our minds that are things pertaining-to and proceeding-from God’s spirit realm via the holy spirit within us),

…for the thinking of the flesh (the end-product of the flesh’s action of thinking, the thoughts produced in/by the mind of flesh)…

·         is death (results in death; there is no life)

…but the thinking of the spirit (the end-product of the spirit’s action of thinking, the thoughts produced in/by the mind of spirit)…

·         is life (results in life; there is life) 

·         and peace (tranquil harmony, tranquility, peaceful wholeness, without any strife or disagreement),

…on account of this reason that the thinking of the flesh is enmity into God (opposition, hostility for/directed-to God), for…

·         it is not subject to the law of God (it is not made or caused to be in subjection to His law, and it does not submit itself to, it is not submissive to, in submission, arranged in the position of being under God’s law, what God makes-known to be the right and correct way of living, which is the way that God set it up, how He divided-out and administers His words to be customarily and rightly used among us; refer to Romans 7:22)

·         for neither is it able (it does not have the ability, able-power, capability to be subject to the law of God),

…and the people being in flesh (those who do not have holy spirit-life within them and so their thinking and actions exclude God’s spirit realm)…

·         are not able to please God (they cannot please Him, they do not have the ability, able-power, capability to give pleasure, to be agreeable, acceptable, gratifying to God).

[Reference: John 8:29; Romans 5:1, 7:14-25; I Corinthians 2:10-16; Galatians 1:10, 5:16-18, 24 and 25, 6:8; Colossians 2:13-16, 3:1-4; I Thessalonians 2:4 and 15; II Timothy 2:4; Hebrews 11:6; I John 3:22.]


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The devil, satan, evil

The spirit-being called the "devil" originally was a beautiful, bright and glorious angel. However, he rebelled against God and became an evil spirit-being and he continues to be in total opposition to the only true God and all the things of God.

The devil was the first spirit-being that rebelled against God; he wanted to take God's position (refer to Genesis chapter 3). He is the chief of the devil-spirits, which are the other evil spirits in subordination to him; they fell from the position that God had given to them and they are referred to as devils (devil-spirits, demons, evil spirits, unclean spirits, etc). Genesis chapters 6-10, I Peter 3:19 and 20, and Jude 1:6 and 7 also refer to angels that sinned and they are cast down to prison. These angels left their own habitation in like manner to the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah. The time of their fall took place in the days of Noah. These angels are kept in prison awaiting their final judgment (refer to II Peter 2:4) - they are not in gravedom because they are not dead, nor are they in some place called "hell."

The name "devil" is only one of the many names used in the Bible to describe his characteristics, attributes, qualities, activities, etc. It is the Greek word diabolos which comes from the words: "through" and "throw/cast" – the devil throws (casts) things through people, like stabbing a person from outside through the person and out the other side with an accusation, slander, etc. The devil's intention is to interrupt and then destroy any connection between the only true God and mankind, as stated in John 10:10.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Romans 5:1 and 2

5:1Therefore having been made-righteous from belief we have peace towards God by means of our Lord Jesus Christ, .2by means of whom also we have2 the access into this grace in which we stood2 and we boast on hope of the glory of God.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Hebrews 6:9 and 10

.9but we were persuaded2 concerning you, loved-people1, also having the stronger-things of salvation, since also thus we utter-forth, .10for God is not unrighteous to forget your work and the love1 which you pointed-out into His name having ministered and ministering to the holy-people,

We (myself and those with me) were persuaded and we are still persuaded concerning you (convinced about you)…

·         loved1 people (beloved, truly you are loved by God and by myself with God’s kind of love),

…also having the stronger-things of salvation (you are already saved and hold the things that are comparatively more forceful with exerted-power which pertain-to and belong-to the standing and state of being saved, safety from sins and their consequences, from destruction, made-safe to/with God and His son, the Lord Jesus Christ)…

·         since it is also in this manner that we speak (as detailed throughout this writing, the Book of Hebrews; refer to Hebrews 1:14, 2:3 and 10, 5:9, 9:28),

…for God is not unrighteous to forget (He is not unjust by causing Himself to forget upon, to willingly escape to place notice resting or based on, to cease to pay attention to, to disregard)…

·         your work (the work you do, your productive activity)

·         and the love1 which you pointed-out into His name (the Godly-love that you indicated as with a finger for His name, you displayed it regarding God’s name which incorporates the fullness of everything involved with Him, all that He is and will continue to be, all of His authoritative-power, ability, workings, etc, His distinguishing and distinctive constitution, character, and quality)

o   having previously ministered and you are presently ministering (serving to bestow benefit, actively doing work to bring profit, you are carrying-out your day-by-day ministerial duties, your duties of service pertaining to God and the things of God)

§  to the holy-people (the sanctified people, Christians, saints, who have received holy spirit-life and therefore have become children of the only true God).

The word "love1" or the verb "to love1" comes from the Greek word agape which is God's kind of love. To love with His love means to love the same way as God loves, to manifest God's love towards another, whether it is towards God Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ, yourself, your Christian neighbor, or towards anyone else. God tells His children today (all who have the spirit of Christ within us) how to Godly-love by means of His previously-revealed written Word and also via our holy spirit-life whereby we receive information from Him regarding how to love in different specific situations.

It is the carrying out of God's commandments, His Word, which is the correct usage or way to manifest God's kind of love according to His will (refer to I Corinthians chapter 13 and I John 5:1-3). It is not the same as the brotherly or friendly kind of love, nor is it the same as the emotional/feelings/sexual kind of love.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

II Corinthians 13:11

.11As-to-the-rest, brothers, you must joy; you must fully-equip-yourselves; you must encourage-yourselves; you must think the same-thing; you must live-peaceably – and the God of love1 and peace will be with you.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Revelation 3: 7-13

.7And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia you must write:

'The holy-one, the true-one, the (one) having the key of David, the (one) opening and not-one will shut, and shutting and not-one opens, says the-things-here -

.8I knew2 your works - look!, I gave2 before you a door having been opened2 which not-one-person is able to shut it - that you have small ability, and you kept my word, and you did not deny my name. .9Look!, I may give (some) from the synagogue of satan, the (people) saying themselves to be Judeans and they are not but they lie - look!, I will make them in order that they will have-come and they will worship before your feet and they may know that I loved1 you, .10that you kept my word of the patient-endurance; and I will keep you from the hour of the temptation, the (hour) being about to come on the whole inhabited-area to tempt the (people) dwelling-down on the earth. .11I come quickly. You must strongly-hold that-which you have in order that not-one-person may receive your crown.

.12The (person) being-victorious - I will make him a pillar in the interior-temple of my God, and he may never yet go-out outside, and I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, the (one) descending out-from heaven from my God, and my name, the new (name).

.13The (person) having an ear must hear what the spirit says to the churches.'