10:1And having called-towards-himself his twelve
learning-disciples he gave to them authority of unclean spirits so-as to throw
them out and to attend-to every disease and every sickness.
When Jesus had called (invited) his twelve learning-disciples (students) towards himself he gave to them…
authority (authoritative-power, permitted-right) of, pertaining-to or
over unclean spirits (spirits that are not free from mixture of
that-which is against God, being mixed with something else, having impurity
from God's viewpoint mixed with them, referring to the spirits following the
devil, demons, devil-spirits) with the result and consequence to throw (cast)
them out from people
and to attend-to (treat, be therapeutic, take care as necessary of)
all/every disease (definite sickness causing mental and/or physical decline)
and all/every sickness (physical softness or weakness which is debilitating).
As we read the four books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, we must understand that Jesus was in the process of accomplishing redemption and salvation. Therefore the 'Acts chapter 2' gift of holy spirit (which is the spirit of Christ) that God made available by means of the Lord Jesus Christ on the day of Pentecost, could NOT be given to anybody before that day because it was not available to be given.
However, God was able to give certain men/women holy spirit conditionally, which was upon the condition that he/she would believe and obey what God said. God gave holy spirit conditionally to Jesus as recorded in Matthew chapter 3, and then during Jesus' ministry at that time Jesus was able to delegate this authority to others so that they too could do what is recorded in verse 1 above. These twelve conditionally received holy spirit from God to enable them to carry-out what Jesus told them to do.
[Reference: Mark 6:7; Luke 9:1.]
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