Saturday, May 31, 2014

Romans chapter 8

The apostle Paul ends "chapter 7" with: "I (am a) distressed man! Who will rescue me out-from this body of death? But thanks to God by means of Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore consequently I myself indeed with the mind serve-as-a-slave to (the) law of God – but with the flesh to (the) law of sin."

Romans 8:1 and 2:

8:1Consequently now (there is) not-one condemning-sentence to the (people) in Christ Jesus, .2for the law of the spirit of the life in Christ Jesus freed you away-from the law of the sin and the death.

In correspondence to what is previously written in this letter, at the present time there is…

·         not-one condemning-sentence (none, not-any sentence pronounced against, no decision made or brought down in judgment)

o   to/against the people who are in Christ Jesus (within the cause and sphere of action, character, and attributes of Christ Jesus – all holy-people are limbs of the one spiritual body of Christ, similar to an eye or arm or leg being in the physical body; we are living to God in Christ Jesus and therefore in the spirit category we live within everything he is now),

…for (in truth)…

·         the law of (pertaining to)

·         the spirit of the life in Christ Jesus (the newness of life, the holy spirit-life, the inside man, the spirit of Christ that provides the eternal life; the law that is now in force and operational among all the holy-people being administered within the sphere of action of Christ Jesus; refer to Romans 7:6 and 22)

o   freed you (set each one of you individually at-liberty, liberated you [some Greek texts have the word "me" whereby Paul again uses himself as an example for all holy-people])

o   away from

·         the law of the sin and the death (the law that is in force and operational in the fleshy body; refer to Romans 7:23 and 24).

The law of the sin and the death is not referring to the law of Moses itself. Paul has already written that the law of Moses indeed is holy and the commandment contained in that law is holy and righteous and good (refer to Romans 7:11 and 12).

But the law of the sin and the death is referring to the law being administered by the devil/satan via the flesh – sin against the only true God and therefore it will result in complete death.

[Reference: Romans 5:15-21, 6:11, 7:21-25; II Corinthians 3:17; Galatians 2:4, 3:28, 5:1; Ephesians 2:6-10; Philippians 3:3; Colossians 1:27; James 1:25.]

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Genesis chapter 8 - Noah exits the ark

Verses 14-19:

.14But in the month, the second (month), seventh and twentieth (day) of the month, the earth was dried; .15and the Lord God said to Noah saying,

.16You must go-out from the ark, you and your wife and your sons and the wives of your sons with you; .17and all the wild-animals as-many-as are with you and all flesh from birds until animals and every creeping-thing moving-itself on the earth you must lead-out with yourself; and you must increase-yourselves and be multiplied on the earth.”

.18And Noah went-out and his wife and his sons and the wives of his sons with him .19and all the wild-animals and all the animals and every bird and every creeping-thing moving-itself on the earth; according to their genus they went-out from the ark.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Genesis 11 Babylon Babel

.5And (the) Lord descended to see the city and the tower which the sons of men built; .6and (the) Lord said, “Look!, one genus and one lip of all-people and this they began to make; and now it will not fail from them all as-many-things-as ever they may put-on to make. .7Come-this-way; even having descended let Us confuse there their tongue in order that they may not hear, each the sound of the neighbor.”

.8And (the) Lord scattered them throughout from-there on (the) face of all the earth and they stopped building the city and the tower.

.9Because-of-this the name of it was called Confusion because there (the) Lord confused the lips of all the earth and from-there the Lord God scattered them throughout on (the) face of all the earth.

These verses give God’s explanation of the meaning of what the city was called, even though the people may have understood that name to mean: the gate/court of God.

Human-beings could not understand all of the other human-beings when they spoke from that time forward. The family group spoke among themselves but division of languages caused one group not to understand another group. This was unlike the animals or birds who continued to understand each other within the same genus or species.

Today, which is after the Lord Jesus Christ poured-out the gift of holy spirit on the day of Pentecost recorded in Acts chapter 2, holy-people (true Christians having received the gift of holy spirit) can speak with tongues. We also do not understand the words that we speak in a tongue but we can express agreement with the Christ regarding God’s name by the fruit of our lips, plus interpretation of those tongues is available in certain situations.

[Reference: Genesis 10:10; Acts 2:4; I Corinthians 12:10, 14:2; Hebrews 13:15; Revelation chapters 21 and 22.]

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Genesis chapter 6

Genesis 5:28-32 records that when Noah was born his father said that he would give rest to God’s people; and then at the age of five-hundred years Noah begat three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

Genesis 6:1-8 summarize what had happened to mankind after Adam and Eve were expelled from the paradise of Eden (refer to Genesis 3:23 and 24).

Genesis 6:1 and 2:

6:1And it came-to-pass when the men began to become many on the earth and daughters were caused-to-become to them, .2but having seen the daughters of the men that they are beautiful, the sons of God took to themselves women from all whom they selected-for-themselves.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Noah and the Rainbow covenant

Genesis chapter 11:
My bow I put in the cloud (I set, in the sense of giving a place to/for the arch originating from and belonging to Me within the cloud; referring to a rainbow) and it will be into the sign of the covenant up-among the midst of Me and the earth (including its inhabitants)…

·         and it will be in Me clouding-together clouds (during the time that I collect clouds, causing them to be in the state of being in conjunction with each other; the repetition of the root-word “cloud” gives emphasis)

·         on/over the earth

o   My bow will be seen in the cloud (it will be presented in the indefinite cloudy mass so as to be perceived with the eyes and known by all),

·         and I will be caused-to-remember My covenant (I will be reminded of, call to My mind, recollect My binding agreement)

o   which is up-among the midst of Me and you and up-among the midst of every living soul (as verse 12 above)

o   in all flesh (every individual among human-beings, animals, etc)

·         and there will not still be the water into a flood (water with a view to, directed to, for a cataclysmic deluge, the inundation of water [in Hebrew the word “water” is always in the plural form – waters])

o   so-as to wipe-out all flesh (so that the consequence and result would be to cause the state of being erased, blotted-out, smeared and completely-obliterated for every fleshy creature);

…emphatically to the degree and in explanation that My bow will be in the cloud (as verse 14 above)…

·         and I will see (perceive it with My eyes)

·         to be caused-to-remember (to be reminded of, call to My mind, recollect)

o   the agelong covenant (the time-period of the binding agreement which will last for an age, the limited lifetime duration of this covenant; as verse 12 the word "agelong" is the Greek word aionios and may be translated “eternal” or “agelong” depending on the context, and here it refers to the covenant that will be everlasting or eternal in the sense of it never changing once it begins but will end when its time ends, as recorded in Revelation chapters 21 and 22)

o   up-among the midst of Me [the Hebrew text has Elohim “God” instead of “Me”] and up-among the midst of all/every living soul in all flesh which is on the earth.”

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Noah - Genesis

.16You will make the ark gathering-together and you will complete it together into a cubit from-the-top, but the door of the ark you will make out-from sides; you will make it underground, two-floors, and three-floors.
Noah and the Flood Genesis 6-11 new book

Friday, May 2, 2014

Second Peter chapter 2

2:1But lying-prophets also came-to-pass among the people, as also lying-teachers will be among you, the-people-who will lead-in-beside (you) sects of destruction, and denying the Master having bought them, leading quick destruction on themselves;


.2and many-people will follow-out with their licentiousnesses, because-of whom the way of the truth will be blasphemed; .3and they will merchandize you in covetousness with molded words, to whom the judgment from-old is not workless and their destruction is not drowsy.

A "lying prophet" is a false prophet, one who claims to speak God's words being revealed to him/her concerning the past, present and/or future – but a lying prophet does not speak the only true God’s words to the people, instead he/she speaks lies, false statements. This is in contrast to the true prophets and their prophecies referred to in II Peter 1:20 and 21.

Continuing from the end of II Peter chapter 1, Peter writes:

But lying-prophets also came-to-pass (became, came to be) among the people (referring to the mass or group of people collectively as one unit)…

·         as also lying-teachers (people who falsely claim to teach/instruct with God's Word which would include what was prophesied by the true prophets – but these will be false teachers, instructors who speak falsities, lying about the true Word of God and teaching false statements)

·         will be among you (holy-people, Christians),

o   these lying teachers will lead-in-beside you (they will bring alongside you, even though what they bring into your company will not truly be part of your group; they will slip-by surreptitiously, stealthily, sneakily, but in fact they are against you) – what will they lead in beside you? – 

§  sects of destruction (heresies, choices, opinions or chosen-ways which are different to the traditional way of thinking, used here in the bad sense of choosing what is against God; these sects are described as pertaining to loss, perdition, being utterly lost and ruined away-from God),

·         and the lying teachers will be denying (disowning, negating, rejecting)

o   the Master (this word translated “Master” is despotes, not the Greek word kurios usually translated ‘lord’; “Master” means: the sovereign lord, the absolute-master, the despot, the one who has absolute dominion, supreme authority, and unlimited power; the word emphasizes subjection; here it is referring to the Lord Jesus Christ who is our Master; he is over his own slaves whereby his slaves figuratively have their feet bound in complete subjection to him in service during everyday living)

§  having bought them (as a person buys in a market-place – Jesus Christ paid the price which was himself; he shed his own blood for all, even those who refuse to believe what God says regarding Himself and His son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and thus refuse the salvation that is available to them),

·         leading quick (directing, conducting, conveying swift or speedy)

·         destruction on themselves;

…and a lot of people will follow-out (come after, go from everything that has happened)…

·         with/by their licentiousnesses (the debaucheries of the lying teachers who teach according to the lying prophets)

o   on account of whom the way of the truth (the progress, manner of action, method of proceeding pertaining to and consisting of the essential reality, the inherent verity of God and the things of God)

§  will be blasphemed (spoken evilly against, calumniated, treated with lack of Godly reverential respect);

·         and they will merchandize you (perform a traveling trade, drum up business, they will be in business, they will trade to carry-out deals as in an emporium – the object they import into their business and which they will trade will be you holy-people for their own gain)

o   in covetousness (within the cause and sphere of action of a constant wanting to have more than what God provides; it is greed, always grasping and reaching out to get something else more than what is right)

§  with molded words (words formed as from clay, as a potter makes his earthenware vessels, or as plastic molded into different shapes adaptable to their needs, and thus these words have no lasting value),

·         to whom the judgment from-old (the pronounced decision to/for/regarding people who behave in this manner, the sentence passed, the decision made or arrived-at issuing from the judging process, which occurred during a period of time that has now become old)

o   is not workless (idle, inactive – in other words, the judgment is working, it is effective and producing results)

·         and their destruction (loss, perdition, being utterly lost and ruined away-from God)

o   is not drowsy (torpid, dazed – in other words, the time of/for their destruction is alert and ready for the action of its implementation).

[Reference: Jeremiah 23:9-18, 28:9-17; Matthew 7:15, 10:25 and 33, 13:27 and 37, 24:11 and 24; John 3:16; Acts 3:13 and 14, 13:6; Romans 5:6-8, 13:13; I Corinthians 6:20, 7:23; Galatians 2:4, 3:13, 4:3-5, 5:19 and 20; Ephesians 4:11 and 19; Colossians 2:8, 20-23; I Timothy 2:6, 5:8; II Timothy 2:12 and 13, 3:5, 4:3; Hebrews 2:9; James 4:13; I Peter 3:18, 4:3; II Peter 1:16; I John 2:2; Jude 1:4; Revelation 5:9.]