Saturday, May 31, 2014

Romans chapter 8

The apostle Paul ends "chapter 7" with: "I (am a) distressed man! Who will rescue me out-from this body of death? But thanks to God by means of Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore consequently I myself indeed with the mind serve-as-a-slave to (the) law of God – but with the flesh to (the) law of sin."

Romans 8:1 and 2:

8:1Consequently now (there is) not-one condemning-sentence to the (people) in Christ Jesus, .2for the law of the spirit of the life in Christ Jesus freed you away-from the law of the sin and the death.

In correspondence to what is previously written in this letter, at the present time there is…

·         not-one condemning-sentence (none, not-any sentence pronounced against, no decision made or brought down in judgment)

o   to/against the people who are in Christ Jesus (within the cause and sphere of action, character, and attributes of Christ Jesus – all holy-people are limbs of the one spiritual body of Christ, similar to an eye or arm or leg being in the physical body; we are living to God in Christ Jesus and therefore in the spirit category we live within everything he is now),

…for (in truth)…

·         the law of (pertaining to)

·         the spirit of the life in Christ Jesus (the newness of life, the holy spirit-life, the inside man, the spirit of Christ that provides the eternal life; the law that is now in force and operational among all the holy-people being administered within the sphere of action of Christ Jesus; refer to Romans 7:6 and 22)

o   freed you (set each one of you individually at-liberty, liberated you [some Greek texts have the word "me" whereby Paul again uses himself as an example for all holy-people])

o   away from

·         the law of the sin and the death (the law that is in force and operational in the fleshy body; refer to Romans 7:23 and 24).

The law of the sin and the death is not referring to the law of Moses itself. Paul has already written that the law of Moses indeed is holy and the commandment contained in that law is holy and righteous and good (refer to Romans 7:11 and 12).

But the law of the sin and the death is referring to the law being administered by the devil/satan via the flesh – sin against the only true God and therefore it will result in complete death.

[Reference: Romans 5:15-21, 6:11, 7:21-25; II Corinthians 3:17; Galatians 2:4, 3:28, 5:1; Ephesians 2:6-10; Philippians 3:3; Colossians 1:27; James 1:25.]

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