.13And they used-to
carry-towards him young-children in order that he may touch them, but the
learning-disciples censured them. .14But Jesus having seen was vexed
and said to them, "You must leave the young-children to come towards me,
you must not hinder them, for the kingdom of God is of the people-of-this-kind.
.15With-certainty I say to you, who ever may not accept the kingdom
of God as a young-child may never go into it."
.16And having taken them
in-his-arms he used-to bless-down putting (his) hands on them.
During that past time the
people were carrying towards (bringing, offering to) Jesus young/little children
for the purpose and result that he would touch them (apply himself to the
children, in the sense of putting his hands on them while praying to God
regarding them), but the learning-disciples censured them (his students
inflicted penalty or infringement, reprimanded, judged by estimating what they
considered to be the correct honor or value due in this situation which was
punishment for the ‘offense’ committed by them). As we read on we see that
Jesus did not consider this an offense at all.
But after Jesus saw
(perceived) what his students were doing, he was vexed (he had the feeling of
violent irritation, painful annoyance at their behavior which was wrong and
against God and the things of God) and he said to them...
"You must leave the young-children to come towards me (in the
sense of let them go from your concern as to what they do, dismiss them and
thereby permit them to do what they want to do at this moment),
you must not hinder (it is imperative that you do not block, prevent)
- for the kingdom of God is of the people-of-this-kind (God's
spiritual kingdom presently and actively is pertaining-to such people,
i.e., those who come towards me accepting what I give to them as these
children are coming towards me and accepting what I give to them; these
are the sort of people who are eligible to belong to the kingdom of God
at a future time when God via myself, Jesus, will make permanent holy
spirit-life available to them; refer to Mark 9:1).
With-certainty I say to you (surely, truly, amen I am laying these
words before you),
- whatever person would not accept the kingdom of God (not
welcome, not subjectively-receive or willingly take God's spiritual
kingdom being presented to that human-being, who ever would not accept
holy spirit-life)
- in comparison to a young-child (in the way/manner in which a
little child willingly comes to me and accepts me)
- would never go into it (the word translated “never” comes from
two Greek words both meaning “no” or “not” – the double negative
emphasizes the point – that human-being would not ever come into it, he
would not at any time enter God's kingdom)."
And after Jesus took the
young-children in his arms (putting his arms around them, as hugging or
embracing the little boys or girls)…
during that past time he was continuing to bless down on them
(speaking well, speaking words that are good, which included asking God to
bless or speak-well-of those young children – because whom/what God speaks well
of receives the blessing, it comes to pass for the recipient, what is spoken by
God happens to the recipient which is good for him/her/the-situation)
putting his hands on them.
When Jesus put his hands
on each one it indicated:
Jesus’ willingness relative-to the circumstance of each one, offering
that individual’s case before God,
and this would identify to each one and to all watching concerning
whom Jesus was praying to God specifically about, regarding that individual’s
and so Jesus said God’s words and carried-out and brought-to-pass
whatever was good in each particular case,
symbolically transferring what was appropriate in the situation, which
at this time was flowing God’s power and blessing via himself to each one of
[Reference: Matthew
19:13-15; Luke 18:15-17.]
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