Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Colossians 2:6 and 7

.6Therefore as you received Christ Jesus the Lord you must walk in him, .7having been rooted2 and building-yourselves-on in him and making-yourselves-firm with the belief according as you were taught, exceeding in thankfulness.

Following-on logically from the previous verses…

·         as you received Christ Jesus the Lord (in comparison to how you took Christ Jesus the Master who was presented to you beside or alongside yourselves, emphasizing the truth that he is the Master and confirming the validity and authenticity of his lordship, including dominion and authority – in the way/manner that you believed the good-message of what God gives to believe regarding Christ and thus you received the gift of holy spirit)

·         you must walk (the verb “to walk” literally means: to move the feet around, to go on foot; but figuratively it means: to walk around during the everyday living of life, to behave oneself, to conduct oneself – it is imperative that you are behaving, conducting yourselves during the everyday living of your lives)

o   in him (within the sphere of action of Christ Jesus the Lord; this is referring to being receptive to the spirit of Christ in you, accepting what Christ communicates to you and obeying him),

·         – and this can occur because –

·         you have already been rooted and you are continuing rooted (as a tree's root spreads all around the earth underneath it to receive the nourishment it needs to sustain itself and to remain where it is situated to receive sunlight, etc)

·         and you are building yourselves on (being in the process of building or edifying yourselves in the walk/behavior category on top of something, as a house is built upon its foundation whereby the rest of the building stands on top of its foundation and is supported by it – building yourselves upon the foundation)

o   in him (again this is achieved within the sphere of action of Christ Jesus the Lord)

·         and you are making yourselves firm (sure, steady, definite)

o   with the belief (by/in the faith, the trust relative to God and the things of God, the information that God makes known to people to have confidence-in with assured certainty and surety)

o   according as you were taught (just as, according to how, in comparison to the way that you were given instruction),

·         exceeding in thankfulness (abounding over and above the number or measure already attained by you in gratitude being shown towards God; this word "thankfulness" in the Greek comes from the same root word as the word "grace" plus the word "well" or "well-off" and therefore "thankfulness" is the expression made by the freedom of will of the recipient expressing well his gratitude to the giver of the grace, the bestowed unmerited or undeserved favor, given-to and received-by him – thankfulness for all that God and the Lord Jesus Christ have accomplished for you and continue to do).

[Reference: Romans 10:8-10; I Corinthians 3:10-15; Ephesians 3:17; Colossians 1:7-10; Jude 1:20.]

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