.16"I Jesus sent my angel to witness
these-things to you, on the churches. I am the root and the genus of
David - the star, the shining (star), the early (star)."
John writes the next words that he hears – the Lord Jesus Christ says:
I Jesus sent (in Greek there is a definite word for “I” plus the name “Jesus”
plus the verb meaning “I sent” giving great emphasis – I emphatically myself
Jesus sent)
my angel (refer
to Revelation 1:2)
§ to witness (to attest with information, to give the
declaration of knowledge that my angel personally has and therefore can state
and confirm it on the strength of his own authority) – to witness what? –
§ these-things (the revelation of events, etc,
pertaining to and proceeding from me; refer to Revelation 1:1 and 2)
§ to you (plural pronoun – all of you),
§ emphatically on the churches (based upon and with
regard to the churches; the motivating purpose or object for witnessing these
things being the assemblies of people; Jesus sent his angel to witness this
revelation to John so that John would then witness this revelation to the churches;
refer to Revelation 1:4, 11 and 20, plus chapters 2 and 3).
Emphatically I am
(in Greek there is a definite word for “I” plus the verb meaning “I am” giving
emphasis – I myself am)
the root (the
word "root" is used like a tree’s root relative to the tree itself
and the nourishment that the root provides to produce fruit – here the Lord
Jesus Christ calls himself the root in the figurative sense)
and the genus
(the decent, kind, race, class, sort of being, lineage)
§ of David (King David was the first king whom God chose
and anointed to rule over God's people; refer to Revelation 5:5) -
the star,
§ emphatically and specifically
§ the shining star (figuratively I am a star that is
bright, brilliant, radiant, beaming-light),
§ the early star (figuratively I am the star that shines
early in the morning, signifying the beginning of the new day for mankind;
refer to Revelation 21:23)."
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