Saturday, March 29, 2014

Second Peter - Noah

Verses 4 and 5:

.4For if God did not spare angels having sinned but He gave (them) over to bands of thick-darkness having confined (them) being kept into judgment; 
.5and He did not spare the old world but He kept-watch (regarding the) eighth-person (who was) Noah a herald of righteousness, having led a flood on a world of not-reverential-people;

In truth, if God (since it is a fact that God)…

·         did not spare angels having sinned (He did not abstain from doing something to/with the spirit-beings who missed the mark of God’s Word to them, who swerved from the truth of what God said to/for them so that they would behave accordingly)

o   but contrary to sparing them, He gave them over to bands of thick-darkness (He handed them along, delivered those angels alongside or beside cords consisting of thick darkness fastening or binding them by/in it; ‘thick-darkness’ refers to a concentrated mass of intense, black or dense darkness; they have been bound and cannot travel outside of it)

§  having confined them (after God banished them from the surface of the earth binding them into a bordered area, location or region of their imprisonment which is described by the phrase ‘bands of darkness’)

o   being kept into judgment (those angels who sinned are presently being kept, as an eye being kept on them, they are being watched-over with a view to their receiving the consequences of God’s decision about their sin; the word “judgment” is the action of pronouncing sentence, the process of making a separating decision, the passing of judgment regarding their wrong behavior which will result in their death at the final judgment time; refer to Jude 1:6 and Revelation chapter 20);

·         and He did not spare the old world (God did not abstain from doing something to/with the beginning or former ordered-arrangement that He created)

o   but contrary to sparing it, He kept watch (God was vigilant to watch, keep safe, guard)

o   regarding the eighth (seven other people plus this man) whose name was Noah who was a herald of righteousness (one who proclaims justness, a proclaimer of justice, the state of being and doing what is right/just),

§  having led a flood (directed, conducted, conveyed a cataclysmic deluge, inundation down)

§  on a world of not-reverential-people (those who were without reverential respect for God, who did not have reverence to/for Him).

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