Thursday, October 29, 2009

Gift of holy spirit Video on YouTube October 2009

Gospel of John Chapter 8 posted

The study on the Gospel of John chapter 8 has been posted at

Jesus said to some Judeans: You are from the father - the devil, and the intense yearnings of your father you intend to do; that-one was a man-killer from the beginning and he did not stand in the truth because there is not truth in him; whenever he may utter-forth the lie - from his own things he utters-forth because he is a liar and the father of it.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Gospel of John chapter 7 posted

The study on the Gospel of John chapter 7 has been posted at

.37But in the last day, the great (day) of the feast, Jesus had stood and he shouted saying, "If-ever someone may thirst he must come towards me and he must drink - .38the (person) believing into me - according as the writing says, 'Rivers of living water will flow out-from his belly.'"
.39But he said this concerning the spirit which the (people) having believed into him were about to receive, for there was not-yet spirit because Jesus was not-yet glorified.