Thursday, May 8, 2014

Noah and the Rainbow covenant

Genesis chapter 11:
My bow I put in the cloud (I set, in the sense of giving a place to/for the arch originating from and belonging to Me within the cloud; referring to a rainbow) and it will be into the sign of the covenant up-among the midst of Me and the earth (including its inhabitants)…

·         and it will be in Me clouding-together clouds (during the time that I collect clouds, causing them to be in the state of being in conjunction with each other; the repetition of the root-word “cloud” gives emphasis)

·         on/over the earth

o   My bow will be seen in the cloud (it will be presented in the indefinite cloudy mass so as to be perceived with the eyes and known by all),

·         and I will be caused-to-remember My covenant (I will be reminded of, call to My mind, recollect My binding agreement)

o   which is up-among the midst of Me and you and up-among the midst of every living soul (as verse 12 above)

o   in all flesh (every individual among human-beings, animals, etc)

·         and there will not still be the water into a flood (water with a view to, directed to, for a cataclysmic deluge, the inundation of water [in Hebrew the word “water” is always in the plural form – waters])

o   so-as to wipe-out all flesh (so that the consequence and result would be to cause the state of being erased, blotted-out, smeared and completely-obliterated for every fleshy creature);

…emphatically to the degree and in explanation that My bow will be in the cloud (as verse 14 above)…

·         and I will see (perceive it with My eyes)

·         to be caused-to-remember (to be reminded of, call to My mind, recollect)

o   the agelong covenant (the time-period of the binding agreement which will last for an age, the limited lifetime duration of this covenant; as verse 12 the word "agelong" is the Greek word aionios and may be translated “eternal” or “agelong” depending on the context, and here it refers to the covenant that will be everlasting or eternal in the sense of it never changing once it begins but will end when its time ends, as recorded in Revelation chapters 21 and 22)

o   up-among the midst of Me [the Hebrew text has Elohim “God” instead of “Me”] and up-among the midst of all/every living soul in all flesh which is on the earth.”

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