Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Luke 16:13 - God and mammon

.13Not-one household-servant is able to serve-as-a-slave to two lords, for either he will hate the one and he will love1 the different-one, or he will hold-fast-to one and he will despise the different-one. You are not able to serve-as-slaves to God and to mammon."

Not one household-servant (no servant living in his masters’ house) is able to serve-as-a-slave (has the able-power or capability to serve in the position and capacity of being a slave, a bound-person carrying-out service) to two lords/masters (there's no doubt about this fact; even if a person tries to serve as a slave to 2 different masters he is not serving as a slave to either one of them), in truth...

·         either he will hate the one (have active ill-will towards one of them) and he will love1 (the word "love1" comes from the Greek word agape which is God's kind of love, Godly-love) the lord of a different kind/sort,

·         or he will hold-fast-to one (firmly-hold one of the lords, as though holding him up before himself firmly in order to support him and keep him up) and he will despise the different-one (think down on/against the other kind of lord).

You are not able to serve-as-slaves to God and to mammon (you do not have the able-power, you do not have the capability to serve as slaves to God and to mammon, because you cannot serve as slaves to two lords)."

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