Monday, April 7, 2014

Genesis chapter 5

5:1This (is) the book of genesis of men in the day God made Adam, according to God’s image He made him; .2male and female He made them and blessed them and named their name “man” in the day He made them.

This is the book (the written information to record these words) of men’s genesis (the Greek word translated “men” does not necessarily specify gender, male or female when taken as a particular group, members of mankind, human-beings as one unit – the book of men’s origin, source, genealogical background of lineage, race, kind, descent [in the Hebrew language this word translated “men” is adam without gender or number (as verses 3-5 below), plus the word “genesis” is always in the plural form, and therefore this phrase reads: geneses of mankind])…

·         during the day God made Adam (did, performed, produced, brought about the action of His purpose regarding the man, specifically Adam [the verb “made” in Hebrew is bara which refers to the initiation of God’s action regarding this creation and it emphasizes the completion of this action in the past – when Elohim created Adam]),

o   according to God’s image (in accordance with, in conformity and proportion to/with the icon, resemblance, representation of God – by placing inside of the man the constitution of spirit which is the image of God Who is Spirit [the Hebrew text has “likeness” instead of “image”])

o   He made him (produced, brought about, did the action of His purpose regarding him);

…male (a male member of mankind) and female (a female member of mankind)…

·         He made them (He did, performed, produced, brought about the action of His purpose regarding them; refer to Genesis chapter 2 for details about the male and female members of mankind [again the verb “made” in Hebrew is bara which refers to the initiation of God’s action regarding this creation and it emphasizes the completion of this action in the past])

·         and blessed them (He spoke well of the male and the female members of mankind so as to cause them to be in the state of being blessed; whom/what God speaks well of receives the blessing, it comes to pass for the recipient, what is spoken by God happens to the recipient which is good for him/her/the-situation – He spoke words that are well/good to and regarding them)

·         and named their name “man” (He called them, put the name of “mankind” on the male and the female identifying their constitution as originating from the earth; both were members of mankind, human-beings; the Greek word translated “man” does not necessarily specify gender, male or female when taken as a particular group; in Hebrew the word is adam which is similar to the word used for “earth” adama])

…during the day He made them (He did, performed, produced, brought about the action of His purpose regarding them [again the Hebrew verb is bara which refers to the initiation of God’s action regarding this creation, but this verb is in the ‘niphal’ stem or pattern in the passive sense – when they were created]).

[Reference: Genesis 1:26-28 and chapter 2.]

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