Monday, January 27, 2014

Romans 5:1 and 2

5:1Therefore having been made-righteous from belief we have peace towards God by means of our Lord Jesus Christ, .2by means of whom also we have2 the access into this grace in which we stood2 and we boast on hope of the glory of God.

Following-on logically from chapter 4, since we (holy-people) have already been made righteous (justified)…

·         from belief (out-from or originating-from faith; we have believed the information that God makes known to people to have confidence-in with assured certainty and surety; what God gives to believe, to have faith-in, to trust; referring to the belief concerning His son, the Lord Jesus Christ)

…we presently have peace (we hold tranquil harmony, tranquility, peaceful wholeness, without any strife or disagreement [some Greek texts read “let us have peace” but that does not fit in this context])…

·         towards (with a purposed reference to) God

o   by means of our Lord/Master Jesus Christ (through him; he is the agency by way of which the initiated progress passes-through in order to reach the accomplishment of all of us having peace towards God),

o   by means of whom also (through our Lord Jesus Christ additionally)

…we have gained and continue to have/hold the access (the one and only leading or bringing towards, the approach [some Greek texts include the words “the belief”])…

·         into this grace (the bestowed unmerited or undeserved favor given to us by God; refer to Romans 3:24 and 4:16)

o   in which we stood and continue to stand (we stand firmly in position as opposed to falling; we stood for the first time in this grace when we initially believed what God gave us to believe, and we continue to stand within, or surrounded-by, this grace – referring to the holy spirit category)

…and we boast (speak justifiably loudly)…

·         resting or based upon hope (on what God, via the Lord Jesus Christ, has given us to expect to come to pass in the future, the firm anticipation concerning our future)

o   of the glory of God (pertaining to the full manifestation of the importance, splendor and renown caused-by and emanating-from God).

[Reference: Acts 10:36; Romans 1:7 and 17, 2:9, 3:24, 26 and 30, 4:5, 8:6, 18 and 30, 14:17, 15:13 and 33, 16:20; Ephesians 2:13-22, 3:12; Philippians 3:9; Colossians 1:27, 3:4; II Thessalonians 3:16; Titus 2:13; I Peter 3:18. Also refer to the article Hope and Resurrection (]

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